Serving the community in the Elswick, Westgate and Wingrove wards of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Website Accessibility

The Centre West website has been built from the ground up with accessibility in mind. Below is some information to help you get the most out of using our website. If you or someone you know is having trouble accessing or using the site then please do let us know.

Can I use your website on my mobile or tablet?

Absolutely. Our website adapts it’s design and layout instantly to be just as usable on smaller screens, such as smart phone and tablets. So wherever you are, you can still access

Can I read your website if English isn’t my first language?

We recognise that there are many people living in the West End of Newcastle for whom English is not their first language. To help, we’ve installed a ‘Google Translate’ button on each page which will automatically translate the textual content. Simply choose your desired language from the drop-down menu.

What about someone who is partially sighted or blind?

Those who are partially sighted may benefit from making the text of our website larger, and so easier to read. Most modern internet browsers will allow you to easily and quickly do this. Here are a few of the more popular browsers with links to how to increase their text size:

Screen Readers

Partially sighted or blind users may find a screen reader essential in order to operate a computer. These are available in many of the latest operating systems (such as Windows and Mac OSX) and also as third-party software. Click on the links below for more information: