Serving the community in the Elswick, Westgate and Wingrove wards of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Hat-Trick, Northumberland FA and West End Refugee Service Football Partnership

Hat-Trick have started new football sessions working with men, women and children who are refugees and asylum seekers in venues across the city.

This project is in partnership with Northumberland FA and West End Refugee Service.

Rob from West End Refugee Service commented "This was a fantastic session, thank you so much. We have done other cultural activities in the past but when we saw how much they enjoyed the football we knew this is what the participants wanted to take part in"

Dwayne from Hat-Trick said "Its great to see so many people taking part in these football sessions. Regardless of background or circumstance playing of football allows us to put any issues we may have to one side and focus on positives like teamwork and fair play whilst socialising, meeting new people and enjoying ourselves working towards shared goals"

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